Chip 1998 February
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Text File
718 lines
File Name: install.dat
History: Robert W. Gilsdorf (August 24, 1992) File created
Description: This is a script file that automates the installation process
of the Sound Producer Pro Card.
@Name = "Sound Producer Pro"
@Version = "1.1"
@Immediate = 1
@Subdir = "\\Producer\\"
@OutDrive = C
/*---------------------------- Define String -----------------------------*/
@Qstring @msgDII = "Windows Driver and Icon Installation"
@Qstring @msgDrive = "Please Select Destination Drive:"
@Qstring @msgDir = "Please Enter a Directory name or select ENTER to accept default."
@Qstring @msgNoFile = "Some files are missing in your input directory:"
@Qstring @msgNPI = "may not be properly installed."
@Qstring @msgSize = " The Complete Installation will create a Main Directory call PRODUCER and"
@Qstring @msgSizes = " seven subdirectories on your hard drive."
@Qstring @msgDDNE = "does not exist."
@Qstring @msgCont = "If you choose to continue, one will be created."
@Qstring @msgdisk1 = "Insert Sound Producer Pro Disk #1 and Press any key to continue."
@Qstring @msgdisk2 = "Insert Sound Producer Pro Disk #2 and Press any key to continue."
@Qstring @msgWinqus = "Is Microsoft Windows installed on your system?"
@Qstring @msgCDqus = "Is a CD-ROM Drive connected to the Sound Producer Pro's AT-Bus Connector?"
@Qstring @msgCDqu1 = "If YES, a DEVICE statement will be added to your CONFIG.SYS file and a"
@Qstring @msgCDqu2 = " APPLICATION RUN statement will be added to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file."
@Qstring @msgCDqu3 = "If NO, the installer will continue."
@Qstring @Reenter = " Enter Again"
@Qstring @Cont = " Continue "
@Qstring @NameSoundci = "Sound Producer Pro Complete Installation"
@Qstring @NameMore = "Information and Help"
@Qstring @NameOtherp = "Other Orchid Products"
@Qstring @NameWin = "Windows Applications"
@QString @NameDos = "DOS Applications"
@Qstring @NameWinApp = "Sound Producer Pro's Windows Applications"
@QString @NameDosApp = "Sound Producer Pro's DOS Applications"
@Qstring @NameTchsupt = "Technical Support"
@Qstring @NameSample = "Build Voice Notes Playback Diskette"
/*----------------------- Introduction Message----------------------------*/
Sound Producer Pro
Software and Driver Installation Program
Disk Release 1.1
/*--------------------- Drive C: check for Installation-----------------*/
@If ("@Indrive"=="C")
The Installer Program must be run from a Floppy Drive. Please use the
<ESC> key and start over from the Floppy Drive.
/*---------------------- Installation Main Menu --------------------------*/
@LocalWindow (10,39)
@Option 1000 = "@NameSoundci"
@Option 5000 = "@NameSample"
@Option 3000 = "@NameMore"
@If (@Esc)
@Elseif (@KeyF1)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp","HelpMainMenu","EndMainMenu")
@Goto MenuMain
@ElseIf (1000 [= @Option)
@Goto MenuSoundci
@ElseIf (5000 [=@Option)
@Goto MenuSample
@ElseIf (3000 [= @Option)
@Goto MenuMore
@Goto MenuMain
/*----------------- Complete Installation (1000) --------------------------*/
@ClearOption(1100) /* Press any key to continue prompt */
@LocalWindow (10,39)
@Option 1100 = "Press <ENTER> to continue...or <ESC> to return to the Main Menu."
@If (@Esc)
@Goto MenuMain
@Elseif (@KeyF1)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp","HelpComplete","EndComplete")
@Goto MenuSoundci
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
/* check to see if 4.5mb of hard disk space is available. */
@If (@DiskFree @OutDrive < 4500000)
The selected output disk drive has less than 4.5MB free. Please
select another drive or remove some files from your hard drive.
@If (@Esc) @Goto MenuMain @Endif
@Label = "Sound Producer Pro Disk #1"
@BeginLib SPDRVUTL.001
@F action3.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.* /*---utility----*/
@F azctl.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F cdplay.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F daplay.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F demo1.sp @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F demo2.ss @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F play.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F sample.wav @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F spconfig.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F spcox.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F spmixer.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F spmixtsr.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F spsetup.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F win-mix.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F win-mix.exe @O C:\producer\utility\*.*
@F pictbtn.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\jukebox\*.* /*--voyetra\jukebox--*/
@F vctl.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\jukebox\*.*
@F vmp_mm.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\jukebox\*.*
@F vyiosvc2.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\jukebox\*.*
@F sample.juk @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\jukebox\*.*
@F wjuke.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\jukebox\*.*
@F wjuke.exe @O C:\producer\voyetra\jukebox\*.*
@F america.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.* /*--voyetra\sounds--*/
@F cannon_d.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F entrtanr.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F hellomyb.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F maplerag.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F minwltz.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F pete&wlf.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F mood2.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F prelue#3.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F saintsgo.mid @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\songs\*.*
@F dogbrk.wav @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sounds\*.* /*--voyetra\songs--*/
@F glasbk.wav @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sounds\*.*
@F space.wav @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sounds\*.*
@F trainw.wav @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sounds\*.*
@F juke1.fli @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sscript\*.* /*--voyetra\sscript--*/
@F juke2.fli @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sscript\*.*
@F jukeseq.wav @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sscript\*.*
@F midijuke.scr @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sscript\*.*
@F ss.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sscript\*.*
@F tapisg.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sscript\*.*
@F vmp.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\sscript\*.*
@F pictbtn.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\windat\*.* /*--voyetra\windat--*/
@F vctl.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\windat\*.*
@F vmp_mm.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\windat\*.*
@F vyiosvc2.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\windat\*.*
@F windat.hlp @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\windat\*.*
@F windat.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\voyetra\windat\*.*
@F windat.exe @O c:\producer\voyetra\windat\*.*
@F disk1 @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\windows\*.* /*---windows-----*/
@F producer.drv @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\windows\*.*
@F midimap.cfg @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\windows\*.*
@F oemsetup.inf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\windows\*.*
@F spaux.drv @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\windows\*.*
@F spprofm.drv @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\windows\*.*
@F vsgd.386 @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\windows\*.*
@F midijuke.bat @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\*.* /*---producer---*/
@F song.bat @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\*.*
@F spmaster.bat @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\*.*
@F tapisg.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F vmp.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F spcdu.sys @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\utility\*.*
@F tapisg.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\drivers\*.*
@F vmp.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\drivers\*.*
@F spcdu.sys @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\drivers\*.*
@F 1st_noel.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.* /*---stracks---*/
@F bach.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F cannon_d.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F entrtanr.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F greenslv.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F hellomyb.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F invent.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@Chain ("Sound Producer Pro Disk #2", , "MenuDiskTwo")
@Label = "Sound Producer Pro Disk #2"
@BeginLib SPDRVUTL.002
@F maplerag.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F minwltz.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F mood2.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F pete&wlf.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F prelue#3.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F saintsgo.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F silent.cmf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F song.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F song.lst @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\stracks\*.*
@F spmaster.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\spmaster\*.* /*---spmaster-----*/
@F stereo.voc @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\spmaster\*.*
@F test.voc @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\spmaster\*.*
@F cfgrun.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.* /*--Monolog sub --- */
@F config.bat @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F detaudio.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F install.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F int4dapi.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F kernel.dic @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F mono.bat @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F mono.par @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F monocfg.hlp @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F monocfg.sdx @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F monolog.cfg @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F monolog.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F monolog.inf @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F monorun.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F nosound.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F readme @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F readme.bat @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F remove.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F sayf.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F sayfile.bat @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F sayfile.doc @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F soundexx.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F soundnxp.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F soundnxx.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F soundpwm.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F speech.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F unload.bat @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F v4eng.hsh @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F v4eng.rul @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F v4eng11k.dmi @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F v4eng11k.ins @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F v4eng11k.pcm @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\monolog\*.*
@F aapisg.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\drivers\*.* /*--Drivers sub --- */
@F mscdex.exe @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\drivers\*.*
@F sapisg.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\drivers\*.*
@F vapisg.com @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\drivers\*.*
@Chain ("Sound Producer Pro Disk #1", , "MenuDiskOne")
/*---------------------------QUESTION SECION OF A COMPLETE INSTALL ------*/
@ClearOption(2600) /*YES*/
@ClearOption(2700) /*NO*/
@LocalWindow (10,40)
@Option 2600 = "YES"
@option 2700 = "NO"
@If (@Esc)
@Goto MenuMain
@Elseif (@KeyF1)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp","HelpCDqus","EndCDqus")
@Elseif (2600 [= @Option)
@CatFiles ("C:\\CONFIG.SP1", "C:\\CONFIG.SYS")
@CatFiles ("C:\\AUTOEXEC.SP1", "C:\\AUTOEXEC.BAT")
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp","HelpCDcomplete","EndCDcomplete")
@Goto MenuWinqus
@Elseif (2700 [= @Option)
@Goto MenuWinqus
@Goto MenuCDcomplete
@ClearOption(2800) /*YES*/
@ClearOption(2900) /*NO*/
@LocalWindow (10,40)
@Option 2800 = "YES"
@option 2900 = "NO"
@If (@Esc)
@Goto MenuMain
@Elseif (@KeyF1)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp","HelpWinqus","EndWinqus")
@Elseif (2800 [= @Option)
@Goto MenuWinOne
@Elseif (2900 [= @Option)
@Goto MenuMain
@Goto MenuWinqus
/*----------------------- Information Section (More) ------------------*/
@LocalWindow (10,39)
@Option 3010 = "@NameWin"
@Option 3020 = "@NameDos"
@Option 3030 = "@NameOtherp"
@Option 3040 = "@NameTchsupt"
@If (@Esc)
@Goto MenuMain
@Elseif (@KeyF1)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpMore", "EndMore")
@ElseIf (3010 [=@Option)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpWin", "EndWin")
@ElseIf (3020 [=@Option)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpDos", "EndDos")
@ElseIf (3030 [=@Option)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpOtherp", "EndOtherp")
@ElseIf (3040 [=@Option)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpTchsupt", "EndTchsupt")
@Goto MenuMore
/*-------------------------Windows installation-------------------*/
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
@NameWin @msgDII
@If (@Esc) @Goto MenuMain @EndIf
@Default = "\\WINDOWS"
@If (@Esc) @Goto MenuMain @EndIf
@LocalWindow (10,39)
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:\\@SubDir" == 0)
@OutDrive:@SubDir @msgDDNE
@ElseIf ((@Exists "@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\winver.exe" == 0) ||
(@Exists "@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\win.ini" == 0))
@NameWinApp @msgNPI
@Goto MenuFileWin
@Option 1 = "@Reenter"
@Option 2 = "@Cont"
@If (@Esc)
@Goto MenuMain
@Elseif (1 [= @Option)
@Goto MenuWinOne
@Label = "Sound Producer Pro Disk #1"
@BeginLib SPDRVUTL.001
@F Producer.drv @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F Midimap.cfg @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F spprofm.drv @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F spaux.drv @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F vmp_mm.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F vyiosvc2.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F vctl.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F orchhook.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F azctl.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F pictbtn.dll @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F vsgd.386 @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\SYSTEM\*.*
@F sppro.grp @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\*.*
@F voicente.grp @O @OutDrive:\@SubDir\*.*
@F orchnote.exe @O c:\windows\SYSTEM\*.*
@F ovn.hlp @O c:\windows\SYSTEM\*.*
@If (@Exists "@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\progman.sp1" == 1)
@Goto MenuSkip
@CatFiles ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\progman.sp1", "@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\progman.ini")
@CatFiles ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.sp1", "@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.ini")
@CatFiles ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system\\setup.sp1", "@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system\\setup.inf")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\progman.ini", "groups", "group98=", "@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\sppro.grp", "APPEND")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.ini", "drivers", "PRODUCER.DRV", "MIDI=PRODUCER.DRV", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.ini", "drivers", "Wave=", "WAVE=PRODUCER.DRV", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.ini", "drivers", "MIDI1=", "MIDI1=spprofm.drv", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.ini", "drivers", "AUX=", "AUX=spaux.drv", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.ini", "producer.drv", "port=", "port=220", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.ini", "producer.drv", "int=", "int=7", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system.ini", "producer.drv", "DMAchannel=", "DMAchannel=1", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system\\setup.inf","Installable.Drivers","spprofm.drv", "spprofm = 1:spprofm.drv, \"MIDI\", \" Sound Producer Pro FM Synth\", ", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system\\setup.inf","Installable.Drivers","spaux", "spaux = 1:spaux.drv, \"AUX\", \" Sound Producer Pro Auxiliary Audio\", ", "REPLACE")
@WriteFile ("@OutDrive:\\@SubDir\\system\\setup.inf","Installable.Drivers","Producer.drv", "Producer = 1:producer.drv, \"Wave,MIDI\", \" Sound Producer Pro WAVE & MIDI\",1:vsgd.386,,spprofm", "REPLACE")
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpUseWin", "EndUseWin")
**** The installation of the Orchid's Sound Producer Pro Drivers and ****
**** Programs are now completed. ****
@Goto MenuMain
/*-------------------- Sample disk build utility ------------------*/
@LocalWindow (10,39)
@Option 9010 = "Copy files from Master Drive A: to a Formatted Floppy Drive A:"
@Option 9020 = "Copy files from Master Drive A: to a Formatted Floppy Drive B:"
@Option 9030 = "Copy files from Master Drive B: to a Formatted Floppy Drive A:"
@Option 9040 = "Copy files from Master Drive B: to a Formatted Floppy Drive B:"
@If (@Esc)
@Goto MenuMain
@Elseif (@KeyF1)
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpCopy", "EndCopy")
@ElseIf (9010 [=@Option)
@Goto MenuAA
@ElseIf (9020 [=@Option)
@Goto MenuBB
@ElseIf (9030 [=@Option)
@Goto MenuAA
@ElseIf (9040 [=@Option)
@Goto MenuBB
@Goto MenuSample
/*--------------------- Information on AA -----------------------*/
@If (!@DriveExists(C))
This program requires a Hard Disk Drive to complete this copy.
@Goto MenuMain
@Label = "Sound Producer Pro Disk #1"
@BeginLib SPDRVUTL.001
@F ovnplay.exe @O C:\producer\temp\*.*
@F speaker.drv @O C:\producer\temp\*.*
@F disk.id @O C:\producer\temp\*.*
@F installc.dat @O C:\producer\temp\install.dat
@F installc.hlp @O C:\producer\temp\install.hlp
@F copya.bat @O C:\producer\temp\MAKEDISK.BAT
@F sinstall.exe @O C:\producer\temp\install.exe
@System "C:\\producer\\temp\\makedisk.bat"
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpCopy", "EndCopy")
Voice Notes Playback Diskette Copy Now Completed....
To repeat, just type "MAKEDISK" from the \PRODUCER\TEMP Subdirectory.
Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
@Goto MenuMain
/*--------------------- Information on BB -----------------------*/
@If (!@DriveExists(C))
This program requires a Hard Disk Drive to complete this copy.
@Goto MenuMain
@Label = "Sound Producer Pro Disk #1"
@BeginLib SPDRVUTL.001
@F ovnplay.exe @O C:\producer\temp\*.*
@F speaker.drv @O C:\producer\temp\*.*
@F disk.id @O C:\producer\temp\*.*
@F installc.dat @O C:\producer\temp\install.dat
@F installc.hlp @O C:\producer\temp\install.hlp
@F copyb.bat @O C:\producer\temp\MAKEDISK.BAT
@F sinstall.exe @O C:\producer\temp\install.exe
@System "C:\\producer\\temp\\makedisk.bat"
@Help ("@ExePath\\install.hlp", "HelpCopy", "EndCopy")
Voice Notes Playback Diskette Copy Now Completed....
To repeat, just type "MAKEDISK" from the \PRODUCER\TEMP Subdirectory.
Press any key to return to the Main Menu.
@Goto MenuMain